
[photo credit: cosmonautirussi]

I am overwhelmed by noise.

As I type right now there is a jackhammer drilling away on the floors above mine.
It wakes me up every morning. I can hear an alarm clock in the next apartment, and I have worship music on to try and sooth the sounds around me. When I get into my car the radio will already be on, and horns will be honking. I may get out and go the grocery store and there people will be talking and laughing and maybe arguing- noise.

There are some amazing noises– like the waves against the shore or amazing conversations. When you hear someone laughing, a voice singing, and a… you fill in the blank of things you love.

There bad noises too- like the construction above my bed or screams, or any noise that can distract you from hearing the Creator.

I am going to be honest- I have never really been good at turning my thoughts off the noise all around me. My default every single night is to watch a movie/tv show, then put some worship music on and fall asleep. These things are not wrong- they just can add more distraction into my day- that was already full of noise.

With 9 days left until the launch of Shoreline Church I have got to be able to silence the noise and hear the Lord speaking to me. I moved my entire life here to be the Children’s Director for Shoreline, and I need to learn the discipline of hearing the Lord’s voice above every bit of noise. I can simply not lead kids well unless I am hearing His plans for them, His ways of teaching. I need to be on my knees listening so intently the vision He has for Shoreline Kids.

We as men and women need to learn the art of shutting our radios off and simply listening to the voice that created us.
We need to silence our phones and dive into hearing that Still Small Voice.

Have you mastered the balance of noise in your life? What noise overwhelms you?


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